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Mia Jackson



"Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening." - Coco Chanel

How did the ratification of the 19th Amendment affect women's fashion?



From the 1910s to 1920s, women’s fashion experienced a transformation from conservative and constrictive to liberal and loose-fitting. This change was largely a result of women’s increased sense of independence felt following the ratification of the nineteenth amendment. The ratification of the nineteenth amendment acted as a catalyst for change in not only a women’s demeanor, but also her fashion. The nineteenth amendment emancipated a new era of women who demanded to be recognized by men as equals. As a 1920 New York Times article stated, “As more shops open their showrooms, it became obvious that the pannier is losing the battle which it started last year.” [14] As a result of the ratification of the nineteenth amendment in 1919, women were freed of some of the social constraints that they previously faced. The loosening of physical constraints pertaining to their clothing was consistent with the loosening of social constraints. [15] Correspondingly, clothing became looser and women began to take on a more masculine look by bobbing hair, abandoning corsets, and flattening chests. [16] Three distinct fashion styles emerged in jazz, sports, and the workforce, as a result of women’s increased role in society. One New York Times article describes this change as, “Though there is no uniformity there is this at least to be said, that out of the anarchy of styles every women will be able to choose what suits her best.” [17] As stated, while the particular pieces of fashion were not necessarily the same among these three categories, all of them were a result of increased autonomy felt among the American women population in the 1920s. However, like all new trends, this fashion movement was not embraced among all areas of society. Many of the older generation of people condemned this radical change.

the ratification of the 19th amendment changed women's fashion trends in

Click on jazz to find out more about how women's fashion was affected in this area.

Click on sports to find out more about how women's fashion was affected in this area. 

Click on workforce to find out more about how women's fashion was affected in this area.


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